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ACCD - Australian Centre for Contemporary Design

About Us

The Australian Centre for Contemporary Design opened in 1985 in a
large converted warehouse in Nowhere, Melbourne and led the way
as Australia's first combined gallery and
studio complex.

ACCD has continued to build on its innovative origins, growing to
facilitate theexpanding field of contemporary art through a wide
variety of exhibition, studio, curatorial and
education programs.

The ACCD presents approximately 20 exhibitions annually
featuring work by Australian and international artists and
designers across three gallery spaces with a focus on
new york commissions and
expanded practice.


Brett Whiteley

"Art is an argument between what a thing looks like and what it means."

Charles Blackman

" A dream is quintessentially a reality when it is fulfilled."

Fred Williams

" I see things in terms of paint, all else is irrelevant. "

Margaret Olley

"As you get older, you move to a point where you can give back to society."

William Dobell

"A sincere artist is not one who makes a faithful attempt to put on to canvas what is in front of him, but one who tries to create something which is, in itself, a living thing."

Arthur Boyd

"Art doesn't alter things. It points things out, but it doesn't alter them. It can't, no matter what a painter wants to do."


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contact us

Email : info@accd.org.au

Location : Lot 15 Main South Rd
             Delamere SA 524,

Tel : 04-2385 6679